We know that it is inevitable that the world will change. We see that the world of education will change. We see that our children will live in a different world than we grew up in. This is why we believe that change happens. We know that the energy we expend fighting against change could be used to make the change work for us. This is the reason that embracing change means embracing personal growth and making new paths. We see that it is also about traveling new roads. It is about the new destinations bringing new expertise and they must be open to that. They must also be a willing collaborator as well and we see that their students will benefit from what they model. We know that professional practice will improve when they invite the perspectives and expertise of their colleagues into what they do. We see that the entire culture of a school can be upgraded when people work together toward common goals as well. We see that a school management system helps in keeping all this in one place. They must also not limit themselves to what they have always known. Instead, they must work on building a toolbox of resources and opportunities, both digitally and physically. They must also participate in professional development that enhances their toolbox and adds expertise to what they can choose from when making curricular decisions. We see that there are tons of websites as well as apps that would be great for instruction, and there are tons of print resources and physical products that need to be in their toolbox should the opportunity arise for their inclusion in instruction as well. We know that the role of the teacher is changing as well. We see that it’s not about being the sage on the stage anymore so much as it’s about becoming the coach on the sidelines as well. We see that what the kid’s value is important as well as sometimes it’s important to give them a chance to voice both the ‘how’ of learning and the ‘why’ of learning as well. They must always hold students accountable for their rationale and they should be able to articulate why they chose a particular resource or why they used a particular tool, as well as a website, or app. We know that reflection on learning and reflection on the tools as well as resources with which we learn is extremely important. We see that they need to know that students get it on a conceptual level, rather than just a recognition level. They must seek opportunities to extend the classroom as we see that in the 21st-century, the teacher should not be the student’s only audience as well. They must work on understanding multiple perspectives that come from experience. We see that students should regularly interact with students in other countries around the world as well as should regularly be publishing their work online for the sake of global feedback before the teacher ever sees it as well. They must be critically aware of the traditional aspects of instruction as well as what is timeless and what is mindless. We see that an educator’s comfort with past learning modalities should not be a factor in defending their use in the modern classroom at all. We have seen that the traditions that build solid foundations are still important, like traditional print literacy as well as basic literacy skills, but other bastions of education, like lectures and popcorn reading, were irrelevant modes of instruction two decades ago and certainly are not strategies that work for 21st-century students as well. They can also get to learn the lms full form with these strategies in place. We hear that the modern classroom is constantly evolving as well. We see that it is innovative and challenging, while also being inviting and valuing the voice of the child such as the children as well as all stakeholders. We see that the modern educator is a conductor of a symphony of awesome possibilities as well as a conductor of the train of excellence.