The Several students ask this question when they first start in their search for a new degree. There are so many schools and colleges that offer Computer Science degrees, but how do you know which ones are the best? You have to choose the  top computer science universities to get your degree online or take courses at a local college. There are also many more options accessible for those interested in pursuing a degree in this field, but it takes time to research a school and find out what they offer. This is why I write this with many examples taken directly from students to choose the best university for computer science and the best computer science programs.

How to choose the best university for computer science?

So what is a list of good colleges for computer science? It is made up of all the schools that offer the degree and are accredited. Some schools may have accreditation from an agency like the NCATE or National Council for Accreditation of Teacher Education. Other schools have a degree but not from an accrediting agency.

The significant difference between an accredited degree and an unaccredited one is the knowledge you will get from Computer Science courses. An unaccredited degree will usually not have the same level of education as an accredited one. Some schools will offer classes in Information Technology, Telecommunications, Computer Graphics, Wireless Networks, Telecommunications, and CS, and sometimes even other disciplines. Experienced professionals will also teach these courses. These professionals are experts in the field. And they are willing to help you. The final list of the good colleges for computer science should include a few schools that offer a combination of online courses and courses at local colleges. So, you must select best computer science universities in the world. 

What is the best university for computer science?

According to Unites State News and World Report (which is American), the best university for computer science globally is the Massachusetts Institute of Technology of Cambridge, Massachusetts.

Students’ thoughts on MIT

The first year can be incredibly intimidating. Most students at MIT were among the most talented and gifted students in their local communities in high school. Upon arriving at MIT, most students are shocked to discover that they are suddenly (relatively) unremarkable and average. I had thought I was a pretty competent Java programmer in high school (read: I knew a little more Java than was covered on the AP Computer Science exam and had a few projects under my belt), but when I slept through my first interview and woke up to other freshmen’ Facebook statuses about their big-name internship offers and hackathon awards, I suddenly felt like there was something wrong with me. And that I wasn’t cut out to study computer science at MIT.

However, I later learned that this feeling is widespread (and almost always unfounded) and that if anyone couldn’t get an interview (which is many, if not most, newcomers), they probably weren’t going to post about it on Facebook. The other three years can be somewhat intimidating as well (aside from the handful that drops out to launch startups, the stars of the department probably aren’t going anywhere), but once you realize how common Impostor Syndrome is and that everyone else is just as clueless as you are, the intimidation factor drops a lot. So, now I know why people say MIT is the best university for computer science.

The opportunities are endless. The possibilities in the computer science industry are vast and innumerable. Suppose there’s anything you want to work on. In that case, the chances are that there’s somebody at MIT excited to work with you on it, but if you’re like me (And probably most people in the department) and don’t know precisely what you want, there’s a massive selection of interesting classes to take. It’s nice about a lot of the advanced courses at MIT because the prerequisites aren’t stringent. Most of the time, they’re just there as a guideline, and the syllabus will ask you if you know how to do a few things that are necessary for the class. This, however, is a double-edged sword – you can take advanced courses that you think are interesting but don’t have the prerequisites for, but you can also end up in a class where you have no clue what’s happening(I’ve been in both situations). So, you can see now, which is the best university for computer science.

Education is relatively theoretical. MIT classes seem to place a lot of importance on making sure the students understand everything behind the scenes. Now, this isn’t always possible, especially in courses like 6.01 (Introduction to EECS I), but I’ve noticed a trend towards that principle in the curriculum for computer science undergraduates:

MIT requires two algorithms classes (6.006 and 6.046) of every CS undergraduate, both of which involve lots of mathematical proof writing.

MIT requires every CS undergraduate to build a processor out of transistors (6.004). (This is done in simulation, though, so that you don’t have to spend thousands of hours soldering transistors to each other.) [This requirement may have changed since I was last a student]

The introductory machine learning classes at MIT, 6.036 (undergraduate) and 6.867 (graduate), are very math-heavy.

When looking at the best university for computer science, I choose MIT because there’s always someone who can help. Because computer science is such a large department, you will probably have friends in most computer science classes you’re taking. Taking a class with friends is always a vastly better experience than taking a class alone. Whenever you’re struggling with something, you can always ask a friend, and either your friend will be able to support you or forward you to someone else who can (or the two of you can struggle together, which is also preferable to working alone). Of course, there are TAs for most classes, but having friends to ask for help is much more comfortable.

This is not close to an exhaustive list (it’s hard to sum up, an entire 4-year experience in bullet points), and I’ll probably add to it as more things come to mind. I hope this helps!

What are the pros and cons of studying computer science at MIT?

Now you know choosing the best university for computer science is not easy. It depends on a few things. First, you need money. Second, if you have the money, you need to be prepared for a challenging career studying. I didn’t go to MIT, but I used to go to the best Engineering university in my country. I wasn’t prepared for it; I couldn’t keep up with the other students, assignments, teachers, etc., and ended up doing fewer courses per semester. The best universities tend to be a little competitive and are usually well prepared, so I got insecure at first. Finally, I switched to the second-best, and I’m doing great, not just because the people are more relaxed and don’t really care how well or bad you did in a test. At some point, I realized it just wasn’t for me; I didn’t have a life and started getting depressed, too demanding.

Now I’m doing it at my own pace, less challenging and not so difficult, but also it was a relief because I’m enjoying my studies more now than when I felt I had a gun to my head if I failed an exam. I was the only student working and studying, so I knew that there’s more to life than good grades, but in those types of universities, they tend to make a big fuss about your average test results, GPA, or whatever they measure there how well you are doing. My new university people are down to earth; we all work and study, and most of us are prepared for what an engineers life is going to be instead of those guys I started that experience in a bubble and now are graduating and have no idea how to work or do anything practical.

List of top universities for computer science

  1. Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)
  2. Stanford University
  3. Carnegie Mellon University
  4. University of California, Berkeley (UCB)
  5. University of Oxford
  6. University of Cambridge
  7. Harvard University
  8. EPFL
  9. ETH Zurich – Swiss Federal Institute of Technology
  10. University of Toronto
  11. Princeton University
  12. National University of Singapore (NUS)
  13. Tsinghua University
  14. Imperial College London
  15. University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA)
  16. Nanyang Technological University, Singapore (NTU)
  17. UCL
  18. University of Washington
  19. Columbia University
  20. Cornell University
  21. New York University (NYU)
  22. Peking University
  23. The University of Edinburgh
  24. University of Waterloo
  25. University of British Columbia

Benefits of doing a degree in computer science

Regarding the scientific point of view, from what I know, they tend to be a little more theoretical than others. Depends, if you like math, physics, etc., you are going to enjoy it. But if you want to become an engineer that can DO STUFF, I’m sure there are better universities to prepare you for that. Anyway, I don’t see anything life-threatening about going to one of the best schools in the world, on the contrary, if you can take it, you are prepared and know what you want, then do it. But no one that’s worth something in the real world will care where you studied; they will care about what you can do and what kind of professional you are.

Seriously, I think the advantage is that much about computer science comprehension depends on a deep appreciation for conceptually challenging ideas about the core of the topic: abstract and symbolic reasoning, or, more specifically, about the expression and manipulation of symbols and systems of signs. There’s math, sure, but there are many mathematically gifted people who struggle. There’s language in programming, but learning to program is not like learning a foreign language.
Having someone guide you through the intellectual process means that you can ask questions and be challenged to demonstrate your understanding. This demonstration process will teach you just as much as lectures, but not the same things. You will also have peers with whom to interact, and that interaction is a necessary form of learning.
Oh, and you get a degree. The degree is just a symbol itself. It’s not required unless the employer chooses to need it, and they have no incentive to do so other than their belief in its importance. The university has arisen as both an educational and evaluation organization of social importance, which could not happen by accident. If the credential is worth anything, it has that worth because others have observed how they have grown, demonstrated that in a meaningful way to the world (and not on an exam!), and then seen that growth in others.

Studying CS must be accompanied by practice (hard work at actual programming). People with CS, as compared to autodidacts like me, tend to have a better theoretical understanding. They tend to be much better able to write compilers and use more elegant algorithms. Compared to some of those, I’m just a smart journeyman.
But, I’ll never forget this conversation I once had with someone who did not understand a basic concept like caching, optimization, etc.
“Well, I can explain it to you if you are interested to learn, but I doubt you have the time for me to teach you all of computer science.”
His response: “I have a degree in computer science.”
So, while helpful in many cases, the degree is no guarantee that you’ll have a working knowledge of the field. I have an aeronautical engineering degree but not a pilot’s license, and you don’t want me flying your plane. And I have never practiced as an aeronautical engineer, so you probably don’t want me designing your aircraft either. That’s why we have to select the best university for computer science. And now you know what are the best cs universities in the world.


You don’t have to invest much capital in starting a business. What we need are a computer (or a few computers) and people.
No business (almost) can run without computers, so you’ll probably always have a job.
Computer science is the basis for developing industries like robotics, space, nano-technology, etc. A degree in computer science can help you enter into such high-scope industries.


You will most likely always have a job, but not necessarily in the field/ company/ pay, you want. You might end up on Google, or it is equally likely that you end up in a textile company trying to input data into a software not developed by you. It depends on the demand.
Another issue with picking CS is: we don’t want to end up where everyone wants to end up, i.e., most people choose CS in hopes of working in the Silicon Valley… the problem is not ending up with a bunch of other CS grads; the problem is competing with them to get your seat. I am sure the supply with overtakes the demand for CS grads very soon. (in the next 10-15 years). So you might not always end up in Silicon Valley or a good company; you might end up working at a deficient level company.
Pick CS if you are passionate about it. Pick CS if you like it and are good at it, not because you want to end up in Silicon Valley and make money.

In the long run, studying Computer Science leaves so many more doors open than if you look at Liberal Arts, Business, or another, less quantitative subject. I think this is especially important if you’re interested in entrepreneurship. If you’re the only guy creating and managing the company, you get to keep 100% vs. the 50% if you started with someone else. Additionally, imagine a world where you’re qualified for almost every job you apply to. That’s what CS offers.

To see what should matter when choosing a university click here…